Glossary:    Imperialism
armed forces the military (army, air force, navy) Streitkräfte
backward not developed rückständig
cargo transpoarted goods, freight Ladung, Waren~
chief, chiefdom Häuptling, Stammesgebiet
civil service Beamtentum, öffentlicher Dienst
claim a right demand a right
clipper fastest type of 19th century sailing ship
colonial (n) inhabitant of a colony; (adj) describing a policy which is believed to exploit weaker peoples
colonist settler in colony
colony area controlled by another country
commercial colonies Handelskolonien
concession right given to another person  Konzession, Handels~
contract agreement between two or more parties (esp. in business) Vertrag
convert s.o. to Christianity turn s.o. into a Christian bekehren
convict person found guilty of a crime Sträfling
decolonization process of changing a country from a colony to a free state Entkolonisierung
dependent on abhängig sein von
deport send a person to another country as a punishment deportieren
divide and rule "teile und herrsche"
divide between  split, seperate aufteilen unter
dominion country in the British Empire with an independent government
East India Company former large British trading company
educative mission intention to teach a native population your own moral standards
emigrate leave your country in order to live somewhere else auswandern
empire group of states under a single supreme authority Weltreich, Imperium
expansion process of becoming larger Expansion, Ausweitung
exploit, exploitation ausbeuten, Ausbeutung
foundation, to found establishment of a colony or settlement Gründung, gründen
governor person who governs a colony for another country Gouverneur
gunboat diplomacy Kanonenboot-Diplomatie
heathen non-Christian Heide, Nicht-Christ
immigrate move to a new country to settle there einwandern
independent of unabhängig von
inferior to worse, weaker than unterlegen
interfere sich einmischen
interior Hinterland, Landesinnere
iron ore Eisenerz
local customs örtliche Gebräuche, Sitten
mandate right to act, run a country Mandat, gesetzlicher Auftrag
manufactured goods Fertigwaren
mutiny sailors' revolt against the ship's officers Meuterei
nationalism love of your nation which often leads to the belief that your nation is better than others Nationalismus
native person born in a country Eingeborener
occupy, the occupation take and keep possession of a place besetzen, die Besetzung
partition division of territory into parts Aufteilung
prejudice Vorurteil
protectorate country under the protection of a greater power Protektorat, Schutzgebiet
racial struggle racial conflict Rassenauseinandersetzung
racism treating people as inferior because of their race Rassismus
religious persecution treating s.o. badly because of his religious belief religiöse Verfolgung
royal charter a monarch's permission to do something
"Scramble for Africa" "Wettlauf" um Afrika
self-sufficient needing no help from others
sense of mission attitude of being culturally dominant Sendungsbewußtsein
settlement colonies Siedlungskolonien
sovereignty political independence Souveränität, pol. Unabhängigkeit
superior to  better, stronger than überlegen 
survival of the fittest Recht des Stärkeren
treaty formal agreement between nations Vertrag (zw. Nationen)
tribal rivalry Stammesrivalitäten
tribe Stamm
uprising Aufstand
viceroy Vizekönig
